If you build it, they will come

Launch Your Own Social Media

Why You Need It

  • Secure Your Digital Assets: Protect your content from ever-changing algorithms and risk of ban.
  • Connect Better with Your Audience: Collect contact information and gain insights into user interests.
  • Reduce Content Pressure: Enable users to generate content  and communicate with each other.
  • Unlock New Revenue Streams: Implement memberships, in-app banners, and sales through mass mailing.

What You Get

  • Application Available in Apple Store and Google Play.
  • Web Application.
  • Branded and designed for your social media presence.


  • Ready Within a Month: Get your customized social media platform up and running in just 30 days.

The Premier Social Media Apps for Influencers, Content Creators, and Communities

Experience the Future of Content Production and Distribution with PrideLab OneThe First Platform as a Service allowing to Launch Decentralized, Privately Owned Social Media within a month.

Consider this 🤔

While you share your content on social platforms, those platforms promote your work alongside thousands of other creators.

Don’t be exploited

Collaborate with content creators in your area

You can connect up to 30 like minded influencers into your application, enabling stable content flow and leveraging exposure through personalized landing pages. 

Don’t limit Creativity

With PrideLab_One you are the one deciding what type of content to post

No pressure. Safe, secure and relaxing social. As it should be

Attractiveness to strategic Investors



Community around Interest, Brand, Institution

Revenue streams


Advertising revenue 

  • Through massmail
  • Ad Banners
  • Partnerships

And if you already have your digital product, you can simply adver

tise it to an audience you can segment by their needs


ApplePlay, GooglePlay, Mobile, Web

Platform Uniqueness


Access to members contact information


Customized design


Production of User Generated Content (unlimited ability of users to post their content as a core of Solution)


Communications in between Users


Users Segmentation by Geo/Interest/Account Type (personal, business)



$60 000

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